This is the report of our March 6, 2020 meeting with DISA, including minor corrections..
The XDISA team (P. Chaigneau, P. Taylor, G. Darrer) met with DISA management (C. Newton, P. Schriber, S.Brimley) involved in dealing with Pension matters on March 6. The text below summarizes what the situation is in respect of changes recently undergone by the Pension Fund.
- DuPont changed the pension arrangements for ACTIVE employees to an insured arrangement with the Swiss Life insurance company. Active employees employed since 2012, were already in a Swiss Life arrangement.
- The representatives of the active employees on the Pension Board did not agree with the treatment of the technical provisions in the Pension Fund, and as a consequence gave their notice.
- The Autorité de Surveillance (The Geneva pension supervisory authority), were advised and, decided to assign a Commissioner to administer the fund for some 6 months with a well-defined task of implementing the partial liquidation of the DISA Pension Fund (essentially allocating the various technical reserves) and, (ii) setting up a new Pension Board.
- As a result the DISA pension fund, as defined in the Acte de Fondation, the bylaws and the plan rules, with DISA as the founder and responsible party for ensuring that all beneficiaries receive the benefits provided under the plan rules, remains as it is at present. However, the conditions of the fund no longer apply to ACTIVE employees, but only to existing beneficiaries. It is closed to new beneficiaries, except future widow(er)s and orphans according to the plan rules
- DISA and more generally DuPont retain full responsibility to deliver pension payments to beneficiaries.
- The management structure surrounding the fund does not change. AON retains responsibility with dealing with administrative matters. Mercer has been assigned to handle the investment strategy, centralizing a function which included outside investment managers.
- DuPont contributed an amount of 145 million CHF, fully paid into the DISA pension fund on December 31, 2019. To further satisfy coverage of potential future needs an additional guarantee of 100 million CHF was set up for a period of 15 years, renewable for an additional 10 years thereafter. The guarantee is supported jointly by DISA, DuPont Specialty Products Operations Sàrl and DuPont de Nemours, Inc.
- The Commissioner will review all financial aspects, actuarial calculations and projections and make sure that the expectations are in line with Swiss pension fund regulations and requirements. He will also set up a Pension Board, which will include DuPont representation. There being no active employees covered by the plan, there will be no active members. Consideration of representations by beneficiaries will be considered. The Commissioner aims to present the result of his work, together with the new Pension Board by mid-year. This could take the form a meeting to review and explain the situation.
- We will continue to get our pension for the rest of our lives
- The fund coverage has been substantially improved while the Technical rate was reduced considerably, and the longevity assumptions used are significantly more
- conservative, therefore, there will be enough funds to cover our accrued benefits for all of us
- DuPont retains full responsibility to make up missing funds should life expectancy extend beyond currently projected age
March 26, 2020