Communication sent by DISA HR to employees regarding Health insuranceCommunication sur Assurance Maladie envoyé aux employés par DISA HR

Dear all,

You all receive your Swiss Medical Statement from Groupe mutuel in the past weeks. As you will notice, the complementary insurance costs do not change in 2014, apart from a small change in the age group as of 61 years old.

We´d like to take this opportunity to remind you that you have until November 30th to contact Unicare in case you´d like to move from one system to another (change your option between Sanatel, Primacare or Optimed).
Also if you want to change your insurance, this too should be communicated to Unicare before November 30th.

For any further information or help with the above options, please feel free to contact Unicare via our contact person Christine Gaillard (

Kind regards

Country HR Team Switzerland,
Paul de Reijer, Compensation & Benefits Consultant
Marie Noble, Country HR Manager

 Bonjour à tous,

Vous avez probablement reçu il y a quelques jours votre certificat d’assurance maladie avec les nouvelles primes pour 2014. Vous remarquerez que les coûts liés à l’assurance complémentaire demeurent inchangés pour 2014 au sein de chaque groupe d’âge.

Nous profitons de cette communication pour vous rappeler que le dernier délai pour contacter Unicare pour une modification d’option d’assurance est fixé au 30 novembre 2013 (changement entre les options Sanatel, Primacare ou Optimed). Le même délai est applicable si vous désirez changer d’assurance auprès d’Unicare.

Pour tout complément d’information ou toute questions sur les diverses options d’assurance disponibles, veuillez s’il vous plaît prendre contact avec Mme. Christine Gaillard qui est notre personne de contact chez Unicare (

Meilleures salutations,

Country HR Team Switzerland,
Paul de Reijer, Compensation & Benefits Consultant
Marie Noble, Country HR Manager

November 12 2013

Étonnamment je n’ai été aussi informé de l’existence de ce site que cette année par la lettre d’information du fond de prévoyance. Je me réjouis du cette initiative indispensable pour se grouper et défendre les intérêts de retraités de DISA. Clément Leporati

Dransart Michel

excellent idea to dreate this site.
I heard of it through the foundation report.
il will take some time to get started.


Hi, I am really disappointed about the little interest that this new Disaweb site has caused. There are a couple of comments indicating how great this idea and actual creation of a Website for Disa retirees is and two or three other comments….. all this is dated December 20,2012. I wonder if retirees have any interest to communicate between them and to exchange views or ask specific questions, or if this site should be shut?

On my side I am glad to report that finally, after 12 years I got some positive information of  my exchange rate situation for my multi currency pension. Thanks Asturias! I also would like to share with you that I am just about back from a 2 weeks holiday in Fuerteventura Canary Islands. We liked it, the weather was good (beside the wind) and it is great as it is only a 4 hours flight from Zürich. (no connection from GVA). If you have any further questions regarding this Island, be free to get in contact with me-

I am looking forward to an explosion of comments/posts from DISA pensioners with suggestions and questions!

à bientôt


Ian Hudson Radio InterviewInterview de Ian Hudson

L’Invité de la rédaction

Ian Hudson, président de DuPont Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique

Ian Hudson, président de DuPont Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique [DR]

Ian Hudson, président of DuPont Europe, Middle-East and Africa [DR]

Multinational companies create jobs, countries to ty attract them by offering tax breaks. But they are also accused of contributing to the overload of infrastructures and to rising prices, especially in real estate. Swiss nationals, particularly in the Leman region have an ambivalent relation in respect of multinationals. Ian Hudson, President DuPont Europe, Middle Eat and Africa is being asked to discuss this ambivalence.
Sur le même sujet

L’Invité de la rédaction

Ian Hudson, président de DuPont Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique

Ian Hudson, président de DuPont Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique [DR]

Ian Hudson, président de DuPont Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique [DR]

Les multinationales créent de l’emploi, on cherche à les attirer avec des avantages fiscaux. Mais on les accuse aussi de contribuer à la surcharge des infrastructures et à l’envolée des prix de l’immobilier. Les Suisses, surtout dans l’arc lémanique, ont un rapport ambivalent à l’égard des multinationales. Pour parler de cette ambivalence le président de DuPont Europe, Moyen-Orient et Afrique, Ian Hudson.
Sur le même sujet

Great !

Dear Pete,
The Pension Facts by Georges Darrer are very appreciated. It is factual, clear and quite helpful.
I would be interested in getting the additionnal “statistical information” requested by Georges from the Pension Board : age pyramid of the defined benefits plan active/passive participants and beneficiaries, on July 1,2012, etc…….
An additional question is: what would happen to the defined benefits plan if Du Pont leaves Switzerland ? (old recurring question !!).
Concerning the possibility to take 100% capital in cash at time of retirement, it may be good to remember why the limit was set at 50%. When Bob Martinet was President of the Pension Board, retirees could take 100% in cash . One retiree used that possibility and within 3 years he had dilapidated his entire fortune; then he died , leaving a widow and three orphans with nothing to live. With this sad experience in mind, Bob proposed the limit of 50% that the Pension Board approved. I believe this is wise to keep it.
Finally, I am glad to learn that the pension adjustement situation for European Transferees Beneficiaries will be issued by Call HR Asturias durind Q 1, 2013 , as we did not get any info for several years.
Please convey my thanks to all the Committee Members for the good work they do in keeping the retiree community informed.
Best regards. François.


Thanks to the “ad hoc” team (don’t like the name – can’t they make it more meaningful?) and a BIG THANK YOU to George and Cok for their design work. Now, they have done their job!!! Now it’s up to us the XXX Du Ponters to add life to this pensioners social network. Let’s post our ideas, suggestions, questions, things worthwhile sharing  ……… such as personal tax management, gardening, who is interested to visit the X-Mas market in ….. may be, Strasbourg or Nürnberg. Mac/PC/Printer troubleshooting etc. etc. I am sure we can come up with some good, helpful stuff  for which many of us have value. Cheers Karl Neynaber