Present: Pierre Chaigneau, Georges Darrer, Peter Vine, Lars Gellerstad, Ed Peter, Denis Hill
Report on meeting with DuPont 9th September:
The Pension Fund: The pension fund at the end of 2015 had a coverage of 100.4%. The interest rate was reduced to 2.5% from January 2016 and this required an increase in the plan reserves which was accomplished by transferring the employers reserves into the plan reserves. The future goal is to keep the coverage at the 100% level and this will mean extra payments into the fund if the fund performance doesn’t cover the needs. The old goal of reaching 124% is thus removed.
DuPont /Dow Merger: There wasn’t any news on the merger as they are also in the dark. The request to put out a general letter assuring employees and pensioners that their future pensions were safe was raised and a Town Meeting with employees would be held on the 14th November was planned to update them on the merger. A separate letter would be sent to pensioners at the same time.
TPG/RAP: It was made clear that a formal reply is needed for the participants on the policy on the RAP interpretation and that DuPont doesn’t see the need for an independent review to resolve differences.
Other Items:
The legal review of the TPG/RAP: Denis reviewed the results of our independent legal review which results in our interpretation of the policy being correct. Georges stated that the guidelines were written without the precision of the Pension rules and this left it open to interpretation. He said the financing of the TPG scheme was separate from the Pension Fund and DISA funded. Ed added that this was a DISA/European question and not Wilmington related so they couldn’t interfere.
Pierre and Denis will set up a meeting with Arnold to discuss.
The merger and pension Guarantees: Pierre emphasized the importance of having some kind of communication strategy to cope with the messages and questions related to the USA pension situation in particular and also to other European countries. It was stated that the US letter on the subject was useful but as each DuPont country subsidiary had their own practices and rules each country would not be impacted in the same way. While it is good to hear what other countries, especially the US, are doing we have to realise that it is the DISA situation which is our reference point. Peter Vine will draft a statement on this for our members.
XDISA Association: Only 92 members have signed up to date, about 25%, and a reminder should be sent out to the whole association. It was proposed that we schedule our General Assembly in late spring 2017 and that we send out a pre-notice soon.