Newsletter XDISA - 1

 Welcome to the XDISA Association!

The Ad-hoc group held a meeting on May 11 2016 and reviewed current issues and how to best handle them. As indicated previously, it was decided to create an association.

So now it is done! The XDISA Association is born.

The  Statutes of the association have been placed on the website as well as the minutes of the May 11 meeting.

The key element of the statutes is Article 3 which reads:

The Association aims to safeguard the interests of present and future beneficiaries of the pension fund DuPont de Nemours International S.a.r.l and beneficiaries of specific advantages linked to the pensions provided by the company DuPont de Nemours International S.a.r.l to individuals or groups of individuals in addition to benefits directly related to the pension plan managed by the pension fund founded by DuPont de Nemours International S.a.r.l

The rest of the statutes deal with the methods and the legal aspects of running an association.

Now we need to officially enroll members. This can be done by filling in the Enrollment form below. The membership fee has been set at CHF 30 a year.

This newsletter is being sent to 296 addressees for whom we have an e-mail address. We encourage you to share this news with your retiree friends.

Another important piece of news is that DuPont has made a formal statement to the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) to confirm their engagement to stick by their commitments in terms of pensions.

This document is also placed on the website for your information.

Communications with DISA management and the Pension Fund team continues.

The Association is directed by a committee with the following membership:

President: Pierre Chaigneau
Secretary: Georges Darrer
Treasurer: Hans Ackermann
Members: Lars Gellerstad, Denis Hill, Ed Peter, Peter Taylor, Peter Vine.

Greetings from your committee!


Membership fee is CHF 30.-/year payable to our account at the BCV

IBAN CH03 0076 7000 E508 3457 9

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