Great !

Dear Pete,
The Pension Facts by Georges Darrer are very appreciated. It is factual, clear and quite helpful.
I would be interested in getting the additionnal “statistical information” requested by Georges from the Pension Board : age pyramid of the defined benefits plan active/passive participants and beneficiaries, on July 1,2012, etc…….
An additional question is: what would happen to the defined benefits plan if Du Pont leaves Switzerland ? (old recurring question !!).
Concerning the possibility to take 100% capital in cash at time of retirement, it may be good to remember why the limit was set at 50%. When Bob Martinet was President of the Pension Board, retirees could take 100% in cash . One retiree used that possibility and within 3 years he had dilapidated his entire fortune; then he died , leaving a widow and three orphans with nothing to live. With this sad experience in mind, Bob proposed the limit of 50% that the Pension Board approved. I believe this is wise to keep it.
Finally, I am glad to learn that the pension adjustement situation for European Transferees Beneficiaries will be issued by Call HR Asturias durind Q 1, 2013 , as we did not get any info for several years.
Please convey my thanks to all the Committee Members for the good work they do in keeping the retiree community informed.
Best regards. François.

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