Newsletter March 22 2017

Dear fellow retirees from DISA, members of the defined benefit Pension Plan

As previously communicated your ad-hoc team founded an association for you in May 2016. We have 128 registered members to date. You are encouraged to join or to invite all DISA retirees you know to join.

We need to plan a general meeting.

In the absence of important and concrete news about the Dow-DD merger and any consequences thereof, we believe that it would be best to plan to meet in late

September, to ensure that most of us are available.

However, should anything important transpire from our contacts with DISA or our Fund’s Board, we shall call the meeting earlier. We will revert with any more substantial news.

If you wish to communicate with us, please send your e-mails to:

Best regards and stay in good health,

Your committee


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