E-mail message received today feb 28 from the Commissioner of our Pension Fund
Dear Sir,
Many thanks for your email and for this information ; this is very useful.
I am currently reviewing the file, which I have just received, as discussed during our call.
For your information, we intend to have a meeting with all stakeholders in May or June 2020, after the finalisation of the accounts. In this context, it goes without saying that all your questions will be duly answered.
However, if you have an urgent matter to discuss in the meantime, I remain of course available.
Best regards,
Rayan Houdrouge
Message sent to the Commissioner of our Pension Fund on February 27
Objet : Du Pont Intl Penson Fund
Bonjour Maître,
Je vous envoie ci-dessous un petit résumé de nos activités en tant que fondation « XDISA ». Je vais continuer le message en anglais,
qui est notre « lingua franca » au sein de notre groupe. Je vous remercie pour votre proposition de nous fournir un email qui pourra
être partagé avec nos membres.
We are concerned that a number of our co-retirees are raising lots of questions and showing concerns about transformation of our fund
into a “closed fund” as well as the loss of contact with a now defunct Pension Board. So here is a very short summary of what we would
like to bring to your attention:
- Our basic position is that the commissioner needs to take into consideration
- that
Pensioners want to be informed and re-assured about the safety of the plan
- the information provided on February 4 was superficial and incomplete, although the intention was clear
- That the XDISA association exists and that we have had a history of direct contacts with the Pension Board and want to keep that
as a formal channel to exchange information in an organized and focused manner
- Some form of representation on the board would be desirable. We understand that Swiss law does apparently not consider retiree
representation on the board, although there are a number of companies that do have such representation, sometimes with limited
I thank you again for your openness and understanding.
Best regards
Georges Darrer
Secrétaire de XDISA